Canadians have a wonderful dry sense of humour, and my doctor is no exception. During my last visit, he gives me the look and said “you’re almost 60 now.

“It is time to do a Colonoscopy!”

With a little research on the laxatives for the preparation, I find it contains Polyethylene Glycol.  I’m thinking, I certainly don’t want that toxin in my body and anyone who knows me will know why I’m a little weird about drinking anti-freeze.

Colonoscopy Preparation

Are There Options?  My Story....

  • The first step in this journey is the poop test
    Oh my Word!
  • Attend a pre-test presentation.  This is a must and your test will not be done unless you attend.  The presenters go through the procedures, why, what they may find, and possible outcomes.
    Sounds pretty harmless!
  • I receive notification as to when and where my appointment will take place, including instructions on diet, beverages, etc.  I am to start 5 days before the test.
    They must have forgotten, I like to eat!
  • The day before the Colonoscopy, I am to drink my choice of a laxative to make sure my colon is clean enough for viewing and possible removal of polyps.
    As I said earlier, did they read the ingredients in the laxatives? Polyethylene Glycol is found in antifreeze!

​​​​​​What are my Options?

Colon Hydrotherapy is a totally natural treatment, which is an alternative preparation for a Colonoscopy.  I chose this instead of drinking a toxin, and had three treatments with our Colon Hydrotherapist, Olena.

What did I learn from this experience?

  • A little fear of the unknown is expected when trying something new.
  • I had nothing compacted in my colon after my treatments with Olena.
  • The Colonoscopy determined I am healthy.
  • I did not become ill or die from embarrassment!
  • The road to health begins in the colon.
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