Adventurous, Brave, Teacher, Playful

My primary thought when I write a post for you; is to share the information I learn. I thought it might be fun to have others share a few memories about the person you call “Mom”. I was fortunate to have 3 sisters and our Mom taught us many things.  I’m sure my sisters have many stories.  A very few of my memories...

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Adventurous, Brave, Strong

Although she would not consider herself adventurous and brave, she most certainly was. She is a tiny little thing too.

  • Mom and Dad lived in a grainery when they first got married.
    Probably not what most of us would consider a first home after getting married.
  • I was bored in grade one and the school suggested I skip grade two.
    Wasn’t the accepted norm, and it made her uncomfortable – she still approved.
  • Terrified of water, she learned how to water ski, and snorkeled in the Caribbean.
  • She learned how to drive a quad in the snow, muskeg and through rivers.
  • All of us girls had devastating events in our lives, some she had no point of reference to guide us, she was just there.
  • She now has Alzheimer’s and knows me some days.
    On a good day, when the dots connect, she says she does not want to live like this.

A Teacher

  • Mom was washing the kitchen floor and I asked her if I could get pregnant by kissing a boy, “Joanne said I could."
    The floor washing ceased immediately. Her and I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor; I learned about menstruation, when it happens, and how you get pregnant.
    I was young, probably 6 or 7, and when I asked, she told me the true.
  • Oh ya, she did teach me how to wash a floor and spit shine a toilet.
  • Thought I would surprise her by weeding her garden.  I didn’t know the difference between weeds and plants.  You guessed it. I pulled out most of the plants too.
    She just thanked me and pointed out… “the real plants are in a straight line".
  • Dad worked many jobs to support our family, as Mom stayed home to look after us. Mom had to be creative and fix things on her own.  We helped and learned.

Playful and Cheeky

  • Dad was out of town and Mom was making dozens and dozens of raised donuts.  It was the job of my sisters and I to sugar them.  When supper time came round, she asked what we should have?
    • We said donuts and to our surprise – she agreed.
      This response just never happened.
    • How were we to know she was exhausted!
      She never let us know when she was tired.
  • On a trip to BC to buy fruit for canning, my sister and I competed on who could eat the most fruit.  She just smiled when one of us were physically ill.
  • We were on a trail ride in the Rocky Mountains.  The guys were taking care of the horses, so Mom and I took a bath in a frigid mountain river.  We told the guys the river water was nice.  It was their turn for a bath, while we cooked supper.
    We burst out laughing when we heard the yelp of shock when the guys jumped in the river.
  • My Mom and Dad loved to dance country.  As my husband Ed says, the band is tuning up their fiddle, and they are on the dance floor.
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