"Drinking alkaline water will help balance your pH level."
Why is Alkaline Water Healthier?
To a large degree, this can be broken down to some simple facts.
- Your pH level must be equally acidic and alkaline.
- Your body is healthiest with a balanced pH level of 7.30 – 7.45.
- If your body is too acidic, it can create health risks.
- Too many toxins in your body increase free radicals.
- High stress, environmental toxins, and especially your diet will affect pH levels.
- Even if you drink bottled water, chances are your pH level is low.
Too much acid in your body can weaken your body’s Ecosystem or interfere with your cells’ ability to heal or produce energy and allows cancer to flourish. High acid levels, might lead to many diseases and disorders associated with an acidic condition such as cancer, gout, migraines, stroke, diabetes, diarrhea, osteoporosis, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis and impaired immune function.
Too much acid in your body can weaken your body’s Ecosystem or interfere with your cells’ ability to heal or produce energy and allows cancer to flourish. High acid levels, might lead to many diseases and disorders associated with an acidic condition such as cancer, gout, migraines, stroke, diabetes, diarrhea, osteoporosis, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis and impaired immune function.
Is Bottled Water Alkaline or Acidic?
Many advertise their water as Alkaline, although all my tests proved, they were not. Drinking bottled water isn’t necessarily a health choice. Most bottled water companies use extreme filtration to ensure products have standard quality and guaranteed hygiene and sanitization. Some methods include ion-exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation and de-ionization. A combination, or all of these methods may be used. The water may be safer to drink than average tap water, but is it helping your health.
Most digestive disorders, such as indigestion, nausea, bloating, and gastric reflux, are symptoms caused by excess acid in the gastric region and not enough alkaline minerals in the intestinal tract. If the alkaline minerals from enzyme rich foods are missing then the pancreas will become exhausted and lose the ability to tell the body what to do with food.
Acidity is a principle cause of heart disease. Your body responds to acidity by lining the blood vessels with fatty plaques. When arteries thicken with plague, it is the inflammation created by an internal acidic environment. It is well established, fats are extremely important and essential for cardiovascular health. The lining then creates narrow blood vessels. A strain is placed on the heart due to narrower blood vessels.
Immune System
Acidic environments are breeding grounds for bad bacteria and pathogens to incubate. Keeping them dormant depends on the ratio of cellular pH. The current medical community, and most of you rely on a quick approach to many of your medical conditions. Taking a pharmaceutical drug and you will be fixed. These can be invasive approaches and work against the body’s natural functions to heal itself. They often fail to address the underlying cause and only treat symptoms. Antoine Béchamp … ‘The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything'.
Every cell in your body needs to breathe new oxygen and clear all the acidic carbon dioxide. When the acidity is too high, the tissues and organs are suffocating and can’t transport oxygen to the cells in your body. Mucous, infections, and viruses will build in your lungs. These wastes lead to colds, bronchitis, asthma, etc. When tissues and organs are overloaded, they will not function properly.
Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases. The word arthritis means “inflammation of the joint” and is used to describe pain, stiffness, and swelling in joints. Both Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis are related to pH imbalance and an accumulation of acid deposits in joints. The accumulated uric acid builds up, damages cartilage, and causes a dryness to irritate and swell joints. Most doctors include teeth in the body structure. Highly acidic drinks and foods will erode enamel and cause tooth decay.
Skin (Integumentary)
All of you know it as the skin covering our entire body. When your pH is out of balance, the build up of acid causes inflammation, develops sores and skin eruptions like pimple or rashes. Your skin is less able to provide a natural barrier against infections.
Acidity will weaken the nervous system by depriving it of energy. Your physical, mental, and emotional body will weaken.
There are many organs to make up the urinary system, with one of the main organs being your kidneys. The job of your kidneys are to filter fluids and purify your blood. When your body has excess acids, your body compensates by pulling alkaline minerals from your bones. If this should occur frequently, the minerals build up in the kidneys and may form painful kidney stones.
Muscles perform poorly in an acidic environment. An alkaline system allows for better aerobic metabolism and energy. Acidity in the muscle cells will disrupt the metabolism breakdown of glucose and oxygen to energy for the body to recover from strenuous exercise. When your body finds it hard to delivery oxygen to the cells, you may inhale with large gulps to do simple tasks like walking.